“Some of the best conversations I’ve had have been a result of chance encounters.
It got me thinking about all the people I’d never meet, and all the great stories I was missing out on.”
I’ve always been interested in people. I mean don’t get me wrong, I still prefer dogs. I’m not a monster. But my dogs aren’t the best conversationalists. They’re more interested in sticks and never having to pay rent.
Humans, though - they’re all kinds of interesting. I’ve always loved hearing people’s stories.
One of the best stories I’ve heard starts in a remote cafe in Louisiana and ends with a mugshot in the papers. Another came from someone I met at a conference - they became a banker only to give away 60% of their income to charity. Stories from people who left steady jobs to start their own projects have led me to build Esio.
Curiously, some of the best conversations I’ve had have been a result of chance encounters. It got me thinking about all the people I’d never meet, and all the great stories I was missing out on.
I wanted to create a way for people to trade stories regularly. So that’s what Esio’s about. Great conversations with great people.
The more we understand people, the better we become - as writers, entrepreneurs, creatives, comedians, activists, friends. People who I’ve only met once have changed my perspective, helped me get through a shitty break up, taught me something useful about entrepreneurship or given me an idea for a novel. Trading stories is what keeps us alive.
I hope you’ll enjoy Esio. Either way, I’d love to hear your stories about how things went and who you met.